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woman meditates on her couch in front using guided meditation audio file played on her computer

On-Demand Guided Meditation Library

Discover your inner peace on your schedule

Experience Mindful Rejuvenation with Guided Meditation

Reduce stress, improve focus, and reconnect to self with a regular meditation practice at home. Updated weekly, our guided meditation library offers an extensive range of meditation styles that caters to all skill levels.


  • Are you a busy professional struggling to find work-life balance and in need of stress relief?

  • Are you a parent seeking ways to manage the challenges of parenthood and be more present with your children?

  • Are you battling anxiety or depression and seeking natural ways to ease symptoms?

  • Are you experiencing sleep disturbances or insomnia and looking for techniques to calm the mind before bedtime?


A mindfulness journey could help unlock a new version of yourself.

Owner and instructor jas bhandal medidates in a sitting position on a dock outside by a lake

Unlock the Benefits of Meditation

Reduced stress and anxiety

Regular meditation helps in calming the mind, reducing stress hormones, and promoting a sense of inner peace and relaxation.


Improved focus and concentration

By training the mind to be present in the moment, meditation can enhance your ability to concentrate on tasks without getting distracted.


Enhanced emotional well-being

Meditation encourages self-awareness and emotional intelligence, allowing you to better understand your emotions.

Better sleep quality

By calming the mind and releasing tension from the body, regular meditation can lead to improved sleep patterns.

Increased self-awareness

Through mindfulness practices, meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading to greater self-understanding.

Improved relationships

With greater self-awareness comes improved empathy towards others' experiences, leading to healthier relationships built on understanding and effective communication.

Affordable & Convenient Guided Meditation

Mockup of an iphone showing a woman wearing large black headphones with the Apple and Google app store badges and the Momence App logo

A Wide Range of Meditation Styles

Updated weekly, our library offers a vast collection of meditation styles, from mindfulness to deep relaxation. 

Access Anytime, Anywhere

Our library is accessible on any device with an internet connection, including Apple and Android devices. Always find a moment of serenity.

Great Content for a Low Monthly Fee

Everyone should have access to quality meditation resources. So, we've priced the subscription at only $10 CAD / Month.


Expert Instructions

Experienced and knowledgeable instructors create all meditations, making your journey more enjoyable and effective.

Sign up today for a happier, healthier you!

Guided Meditation Topics & Themes

Woman doing a hatha yoga pose in her home in front of a laptop

Energising Hatha Yoga

Our certified teachers guide you through a sequence of gentle yet challenging postures that will improve your flexibility, balance, strength and overall well-being. 

Woman completing a yin yoga pose in her own home

Yin Yoga

Our teachers guide you through a series of poses, designed to release tension and promote flexibility in the body, while calming the mind and soothing the nervous system. This practice is open to all levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost to access the guided meditation library?

The subscription costs only $10 CAD per month, providing unlimited access to our extensive library of guided meditation audio files.

How often is the guided meditation library updated?

Our library is updated weekly with new meditation sessions, expert tips, and advice to help you maintain a consistent practice and explore fresh content.

Can I access the guided meditation library on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, our library is accessible on any device with an internet connection. Download the Momence app for Apple and Android devices and access the meditation audio files at home, at work, or on the go. Or, access it the library through any web browser.

Woman with her hands raise past her shoulders with index fingers touching thumbs


Experience a guided meditation to stay grounded and create an abundant mindset. 

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